Billy Graham, the world-renowned author, preacher, and evangelist has delivered the gospel message to more people face-to-face than anyone in history and has ministered on every continent of the world; millions have read his inspirational classics.
My dictionary defines wonderful as “so unusual or magnificent that it causes wonder and amazement.” What a description of Jesus!
First, Jesus was wonderful in His pre-existence. As the perfect man who was also God, He existed from all eternity. Only He is equally at home in Heaven and on Earth.
Jesus was wonderful in His birth. To right the wrongs of the world and redeem a fallen race, God sent not angelic armies but a tiny baby, His Son, to accomplish this majestic purpose — born not of man but of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was wonderful in His life. His enemies could not find a single flaw in His character. His miracles and His teaching both testified to His divine authority.
Christ was also wonderful in His death. He died for others just as He had lived for others: to make our salvation possible. And this death led to the wonderful, glorious resurrection, opening for us the door to Heaven and eternal life.
Jesus is wonderful indeed!
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In your daily life, is Jesus “so unusual or magnificent that (He) causes wonder and amazement”? Draw close to Him! Be amazed! Come share on our blog what wonderful things the Lord is doing that fill you with wonder and awe! We’d love to hear from you! ~ Devotionals Daily
To God Be The Glory
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