What is Advent?
The season of Advent
begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas; and as Christmas falls
on different days each year, Advent can last 22 to 28 days. This year, 2013, Advent officially begins on Sunday, December 1st.
The word 'Advent' has a Latin origin meaning 'the coming,' It is the season observed in Christianity as a time of expectant waiting and hoping as we look to the celebration of remembrance of the greatest gift ever given. That
is the gift of Jesus, the Christ, who being God, took on human form to dwell among us and make a way for whosoever will, to be completely and totatlly reconciled with God Almighty.
Let us take sometime this Holiday season to reflect on the real meaning of Christmas. I invite whosoever will to journey with me this season with daily scripture reading and devotionals to prepare our hearts and minds to remember the real reason for the season. And through our witness, and sharing of scripture and inspirational pictures and messages online, encourage others to do likewise.
To God be ALL The Glory